At the closing of the General Assembly, the Moderator of the General Assembly launched a joint initiative between the Church of Scotland and Christian Aid, encouraging members to give a financial gift in thanksgiving once they had received full vaccination for Covid-19.
The Moderator mentioned how fortunate he felt having already received two vaccinations; but that elsewhere in the world the story is very different.
In Lebanon and Malawi for instance, two places the Moderator will visit this year, the percentage of population vaccinated with at least one vaccination is 4% and 0.8% respectively, compared tomore than 60% of our population in UK.
By supporting Christian Aid in their efforts to provide basics such as soap, water, and food, we can ensure that vulnerable communities stay safer as they wait for vaccination.
To give a gift, please click on the following link:
He also shared the following prayer:
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of Hope, Sustainer of all life,
We give You thanks for the Coronavirus vaccines, for the skill and wisdom of scientists, NHS staff and Key Workers.
By the power of Your Spirit, may we overflow with hope and joy as we see our friends, families and neighbours protected.
God of Justice, Protector of the vulnerable, may we be your well-washed hands and willing feet.
Move us to give and act, to challenge the injustices that anger You.
May we seek to protect all Your children, particularly those for whom the vaccine is out of reach.
With hope and trust we pray,