
Balfron and Fintry Church is open for public worship 

Worship services in Balfron and Fintry are hour-long services of praise, prayer and the hearing of God’s word for the world.

Sunday Worship in Fintry starts at 9.30am
 and coffee and tea is available after the service in the Session House and we warmly invite you to join us.

Sunday Worship in Balfron starts at 11.15am and coffee and tea is available in the Church Rooms after the service and we warmly invite you to join us.

Click here for information about visiting us.

Church Announcements
  • A letter from our Interim Moderator, Dr Peter Murdoch - click here 

  • Our Locum Minister is the Rev. Peter Gill. Please contact Peter for pastoral care - 07951 764262

  • CrossReach have created a Prayer Diary that updates weekly, provding prayer points for you to consider. Click here for more details.

  • Balfron and Fintry Church is open for external groups to use the Balfron Church building - click here for more details.

  • Final documents for the Basis of Linkage and Basis of Reviewable Charge for the congregations of Balfron and Fintry Church of Scotland and Drymen and East Loch Lomond have been produced - click here to view the documents

  • Update on the Presbytery Mission Plan - click here

Online Services 

For those that are unable to join us, the online Balfron Church services from the Covid pandemic period are available here https://www.youtube.com/@balfronchurchofscotland2550

[Buchlyvie Church are streaming their services and are available here https://youtube.com/user/Braesidedrymen
and Killearn Kirk are also streaming their services, which can be found here https://www.killearnkirk.org.uk/worship/watch/]


The united charge of Balfron and Fintry now has a Unitary Costitution

Transport to and from church can be arranged (contact us) and details of how to find us are on the Visiting page.

Communion is celebrated on the 1st Sunday in March, June, September and December.

Gift Service is on the second Sunday in December. 

We have ramped access into both the Balfron and Fintry Church buildings. We also have accessible toilets, a hearing loop fitted to the main churches and large print notices and hymn sheets/books are available. There are also wider pews with enough space for a wheelchair in both buildings.

Special services
Please see our section on services and church festivals and bookings and special services, e.g. weddings and baptisms.

Sermon audio files
For some time now we have been recording sermons in the Balfron service and they can be made available to anyone who requests them.

If you have urgent queries, please contact webadmin@balfronandfintrychurchofscotland.org.uk.